Blue Hour Press News
The Blue Hour is delighted to announce the launch of its second full length single author poetry collection Rooftops and Other Poems by Heather Minette. This book is a poetry collection honestly written to discover a deeper understanding of her life experience traveling, and finally finding her home. This book is an 82 page journey of poetry causing many smiles and a few tears.
About the Author: Heather Minette grew up in Kemah, Texas. She developed a passion for literature and creative writing at an early age. Her desire to travel was inspired by a multi-cultural heritage and motivated by the writers of the Beat Generation. At the age of eighteen she began to travel alone and write about the people she met, the environment she lived in, and the moments that moved her. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities from the University of Houston - Clear Lake and is currently studying for a Master of Arts in Literature. She lives in Texas with her husband and son, where she writes and continues to travel when the opportunity arises.
About the Book: " Heather Minette writes poems of discovery through love and travel. In Rooftops and Other Poems, she imbues the faraway and familiar with the sparkle of imagination and a searching precision. This unique book enchants and strikes the reader with deep human feeling. Uncover her journey for yourself." John Swain, Author of White Vases.
" Heather Minette's writing is like a map of dreams that remain grounded in her own honest admission of vulnerabilities. Her delicate words are carried in a balled up fist full of emotion that she willingly exposes to the reader. She is vulnerable, courageous and writes with her gut." Stephanie Bryant Anderson, co-editor of Up the Staircase Quarterly.